Premium 1.5
Premium 1.5/6DOF
Premium 1.5 High Force
Premium 1.5 High Force/6DOF
15 W x 10.5 H x 7.5 D in 381 W x 267 H x 191 D mm
15 W x 10.5 H x 7.5 D in 381 W x 267 H x 191 D mm
Rotational Yaw Pitch Roll
297 degrees/5.18 radians 260 degrees/4.54 radians 335 degrees/5.85 radians
297 degrees/5.18 radians 260 degrees/4.54 radians 335 degrees/5.85 radians
Range of motion
Lower arm movement pivoting at elbow
Lower arm movement pivoting at elbow
Nominal position resolution
860 dpi/0.03mm
3784 dpi/0.007mm
Rotational Yaw & Pitch Roll
0.0023 degrees/0.00004 radians 0.0080 degrees/0.00014 radians
0.0023 degrees/0.00004 radians 0.0080 degrees/0.00014 radians
Maximum exertable force and torque at nominal position (orthogonal arms)
1.9 lbf/8.5 N
8.4 lbf/37.5 N
Rotational Yaw & Pitch Roll
73 oz-in/515 mNm 24 oz-in/170 mNm
73 oz-in/515 mNm 24 oz-in/170 mNm
20 lbf in-1 3.5 N mm-1
20 lbf in-1 3.5 N mm-1
Force feedback (6 degrees of Freedom)
x, y, z
x, y, z, Tx, Ty, Tz
x, y, z
x, y, z, Tx, Ty, Tz
Position sensing/input (6 degrees of Freedom)
x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw
x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw
Parallel port
Parallel port
Optional end effectors
Encoder gimbal
Thumb pad (pinch), scissors
HF Encoder gimbal
Thumb pad (pinch), scissors